Tired of the license plates you see day in and day out while driving? If so, you are about to witness some very awesome and also funny ones! Here we gather some of the most amusing and imaginative personalised license plates that are guaranteed to bring a smile on your face, but also hint at their drivers having fun characters. Mujia got your back!
We saw a plate that reads “MAGIK. ‘Magic' is a word that conjures up images of all sorts of wonderful things the driver might be capable. It’s fun to imagine! Another plate we discovered reads “MCDREAMY This driver is a big fan of the TV show Grey's Anatomy, and likely knows they are charming and good looking just like the main character.
Spoof License Plate 2
Well, the days of boring 123 ABC VN ME license plates and novelty car number plates are behind us. They are getting really adventurous with their plates now. They are just eager to share what they enjoy, whether it be in music, films or even food!
We found a plate that reads “PIZZALVR Well this driver is obviously a pizza lover, who can blame them? Pizza is delicious! We glimpsed a second plate, saying “HIKIN4FUN.” If social enjoys going outside and having exciting adventures, this person really must be enjoying it. Notice their other interests to everyone who sees your plate!
The Most Creative Drivers You Can Meet
The license plates and Personalized License Plate in front of us are unique, with some offering insights into the people driving those cars. They use their name or initials and others go as far to even have something like a fun word/phrase that they come up with.
For example: CATLADY plate. This driver has a huge sign proclaiming CAT LADY. And this one we saw says “BLOOM This driver really likes flowers, and nature. they love to make everyone happy and want to bring joy in every persons life whenever a perform so :P Isn’t that lovely?
Who Wants A Boring Tag — Get Some Bling Instead
Do us all a favor and just get the super special plate that bears your soul, rather than stick with. From a description of something you love, your favorite animal or even just an interesting word that excites you the most – this lining allows drivers to display their personality in cool and colorful ways.
A plate that reads 'FIT4LYF. “THIS DRIVER IS SERIOUS ABOUT FITNESS – LOOKIT ME! There is also a plate that reads, DOGMOM This person loves their dog a lot and it shows. These plates are such fun and really give the drivers an opportunity to smile in more ways than one!
License Plates: The Most Inspirational, Hilarious, and Down-Right Cool!
So if you want to see some creative things that make your licence plate look cool, simply drive. There are plenty of hilarious ideas all over that will get your creative juices flowing!
One of the plates and personalized tin signs we found even says UFOHUNTR. (3) The driver who's searching for those aliens This guy seems to relish the hunt, and hey … Perhaps someday they will come across one! A different plate reads; 2FST4U This person is obviously a ranger and always ready to race.
Therefore, as you’re driving down the road next time please look out for top custom license plates funniest and most innovative. Who knows, you might even discover the perfect idea for your take-home plate that represents YOU!